


Taber 5135/5155耐磨試驗(yàn)機(jī)符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn)



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Commercial Item Description Ink, Marking, Epoxy Base

This commercial item description covers catalyzed epoxy system of marking inks for metallic or other non-porous surfaces and printed wiring boards,


American National Standard for Hand Protection Selection Criteria

This method covers the selection criteria for hand protection systems including chemical permeation, puncture resistance, and abrasion resistance.

ANSI / SAE Z26.1 (Abrasion Resistance, Plastics)

Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment 

The purpose of this test is to determine whether the plastic has a certain minimum resistance to abrasion

ANSI / SAE Z26.1 (Abrasion Resistance, Safety Glass)

Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment 

The purpose of this test is to determine whether safety glass has a certain minimum resistance to abrasion.

ANSI INCITS 322 (5.10 Bar Code Abrasion)

Card Durability Test Methods

The purpose of this test is to determine the extent of 1D bar code abrasion resistance

ANSI INCITS 322 (5.11 Magnetic Stripe Abrasion)

Card Durability Test Methods

The purpose of this test is to determine the extent of magnetic stripe abrasion resistance

ANSI INCITS 322 (5.9 Surface Abrasion)

Card Durability Test Methods

The purpose of this test is to provide a general means to produce controlled abrasion on a card surface

ANSI INCITS 322 (Image Abrasion)

Card Durability Test Methods

The purpose of this test is to determine the extent of image abrasion resistance

AS 2001.2.28

Methods of Test for Textiles

This standard sets out a method for the determination of the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics (applicable to all textile fabrics including coated and laminated fabrics, a method for wet testing is also specified).

AS/NZS 1580.403.2

Paints and Related Materials - Methods of Test

This Standard sets out a method for determining the abrasion resistance of a paint coating or other finishes, such as anodizing, electroplating, paper products, rubbers, plastics, textiles, glass and concrete.

AS/NZS 4266.20

Reconstituted Wood-Based Panels - Methods of Test

This standard specifies a method for determining the resistance to surface abrasion of decorative surfaces by using the Taber abrader.  It is applicable to all low pressure overlaid particleboards and medium density fibreboards (MDF's).

ASTM B607 (Appendix X2)

Standard Specification for Autocatalytic Nickel Boron Coatings for Engineering Use

This test method will evaluate the resistance of the coating to abrasive wear.

ASTM B733 (Appendix X1)

Standard Specification for Autocatalytic (Electroless) Nickel-Phosphorus Coatings on Metal

This test method will evaluate the resistance of the coating to abrasive wear.

ASTM B893 (Annex A1)

Standard Specification for Hard-Coat Anodizing of Magnesium for Engineering Applications

This specification covers requirements for electrolytically formed oxide coatings on magnesium and magnesium alloy parts where appearance, abrasion resistance, and protection against corrosion are important.
ASTM C501 Standard Test Method for Relative Resistance to Wear of Unglazed Ceramic Tile by the Taber Abraser This test method covers the establishment of an abrasive wear index by determination of the loss of weight resulting from abrasion of unglazed ceramic tile.
ASTM C744 Standard Specification for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units This specification covers prefaced concrete masonry units with the exposed-to-view-in-place surfaces covered at the point of manufacture with resin, resin and inert filler, or cement and inert filler to produce a smooth resinous tile facing. This specification does not address, and therefore is not applicable to, ground-face concrete masonry units that are manufactured by grinding a thin layer off the surface of a concrete masonry unit to expose aggregates within and polishing to produce smooth, architectural finish.


Standard Specification for High-Solids Content, Cold Liquid-Applied Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane With Integral Wearing Surface

This specification describes the required properties and test methods for a cold liquid-applied elastomeric membrane for waterproofing building decks not subject to hydrostatic pressure. The specification applies only to a membrane system that has an integral wearing surface.

ASTM C1353

Standard Test Method Using the Taber Abraser for Abrasion Resistance of Dimension Stone Subjected to Foot Traffic

This test methods covers the establishment of an index of abrasion resistance by determination of loss of weight resulting from abrasion of dimension stone.

ASTM C1803

Standard Guide for Abrasion Resistance of Mortar Surfaces Using a Rotary Platform Abraser

This guide is intended to assist in establishing procedures for determining the relative resistance of treated or untreated mortar surfaces.

ASTM D154 (Section 18) Standard Guide for Testing Varnishes WITHDRAWN - This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing varnishes. Some test methods are included, but most sections refer to specific ASTM test methods

ASTM D1044

Standard Test Method for Resistance of Transparent Plastics to Surface Abrasion

This test method describes a procedure for estimating the resistance of Transparent Plastics to Surface Abrasion

ASTM D2205 (Section 18)

Standard Guide for Selection of Tests for Traffic Paints

This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing traffic paints in the laboratory and in the field.

ASTM D3389

Standard Test Method for Coated Fabrics Abrasion Resistance (Rotary Platform Double-Head Abrader)

This test method covers the determination of the resistance to abrasion of fabrics coated with rubber or plastics

ASTM D3451 (Section 22)

Standard Practices for Testing Polymeric Powders and Powder Coatings

These practices cover the selection and use of procedures for testing polymeric powders and powder coatings.

ASTM D3489 (Section 13)

Standard Test Methods for Microcellular Urethane Materials


ASTM D3730 (Section 10.1)

Standard Guide for Testing High-Performance Interior Architectural Wall Coatings

This guide covers the selection and use of test methods for high-performance interior architectural wall coatings (HIPAC) which differ form more conventional coatings in that they are tougher, more stain-resistance, more abrasion-resistant and, ordinarily, designed to be applied to wall surfaces of steel, masonry, and plaster or gypsum wallboard.

ASTM D3794 (Section

Standard Guide for Testing Coil Coatings

This guide covers procedures for testing coil coatings. The test methods included are listed in Table 1. Where more than one test method is listed for the same characteristic, no attempt is made to indicate superiority of one method over another.

ASTM D3884

Standard Guide for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Double-Head Method)

This guide covers the determination of the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics using the rotary platform, double head tester (RPDH)

ASTM D4060

Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser

This test method covers the determination of the resistance of organic coatings to abrasion produced by the Taber Abraser on coatings applied to a plane, rigid surface, such as a metal panel.

ASTM D4685

Standard Test Method for Pile Retention of Corduroy Fabrics

This test method covers the determination of the loss of pile, specifically pile pull out, due to abrasion.

ASTM D4712

Standard Guide for Testing Industrial Water-Reducible Coatings

This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing water-reducible coatings, both pigmented and clear, utilizing synthetic lattices, synthetic resin emulsions, or water-reducible alkyds.

ASTM D5144 (Section 5.5.2)

Standard Guide for Use of Protective Coating Standards in Nuclear Power Plants

This guide provides a common basis on which protective coatings for the surfaces of light water-moderated nuclear power generating facilities may be qualified and selected by reproducible evaluation tests.

ASTM D5146 (Section 10.1.1)

Standard Guide to Testing Solvent-Borne Architectural Coatings

This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing solvent-borne coatings to be used on exterior, interior or both types of surfaces.

ASTM D5324 (Section 10.1.1)

Standard Guide for Testing Water-Borne Architectural Coatings

This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing water-borne coatings to be used on exterior, interior or both types of surfaces.

ASTM D6037 (Method A)

Standard Test Methods for Dry Abrasion Mar Resistance of High Gloss Coatings

Two test methods are included.  Test Method A uses a device that contains an abrasive wheel.  Test Method B uses a device that contains a wheel that has been fitted with abrasive paper.  Either method can be used to evaluate the dry abrasion mar resistance of coatings applied to planar, rigid surfaces.

ASTM D7255

Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Leather Rotary Platform, Double Head Method)

This test method covers the determination of the abrasion resistance of leather using the rotary platform, double-head tester (RPDH).

ASTM E1795

Standard Specification for Non-Reinforced Liquid Coating Encapsulation Products for Leaded Paint in Buildings

This specification covers minimum material performance and laboratory test procedures for non-reinforced liquid coating encapsulation products (single or multiple-coat systems) for leaded paint in buildings.

ASTM F362 Standard Test Method for Determining the Eraseability of Inked Ribbons This test method covers the determination of the erasability of inked ribbons
ASTM F510 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Abrasion of Resilient Floor Coverings Using an Abrader with a Grit Feed Method This test method covers the laboratory procedure for determining the abrasion resistance of resilient flooring using an abrader with a grit feeder.

ASTM F1344 (Section 7.5)

Standard Specification for Rubber Floor Tile

This specification covers requirements for the compound and physical characteristics of rubber floor tile.

ASTM F1478

Standard Test Method for Determination of Abrasion Resistance of Images Produced from Copiers and Printers (Taber Method)

This test method describes a procedure for determining the amount of image abraded from the surface of a document.  This test method may be used to evaluate the abrasion resistance of images produced by business imaging products, including nonimpact printers, thermal transfer printers, and copiers.

ASTM F1978

Standard Test Method for Measuring Abrasion Resistance of Metallic Thermal Spray Coatings by Using the Taber Abraser

This test method quantifies the abrasion resistance of metallic coatings produced by thermal spray processes on flat metallic surfaces.  It is intended as a means of characterizing coatings used on surgical implants.

ASTM F2051 (Annex A1)

Standard Specification for Implantable Saline Filled Breast Prosthesis

This specification covers the requirements for single use saline inflatable, smooth and textured silicone shell implantable breast prostheses, intended for use in surgical reconstruction, augmentation, or replacement of the breast.

ASTM F2068 (Section 6.2.3)

Standard Specification for Femoral Prosthesis-Metallic Implants

This specification covers metallic stemmed femoral prosthesis used to replace the natural hip joint by means of hemi-arthroplasty or total hip surgical procedures.


Standard Guide for Conducting Wear Tests Using a Rotary Platform Abraser

This guide covers and is intended to assist in establishing procedures for conducting wear tests of rigid or flexible materials utilizing the rotary platform abraser.

Australia Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Laboratory Tests for Strength, Hardness and Abrasiveness: Explanatory Notes.

Describes method of testing using Taber Abraser

Blu-Ray Disc (v1.2)

Blu-ray Disc Read-Only Format - Part 1: Basic Format Specifications

The entrance surface of the disc should have sufficient scratch resistance, which may be improved by a protective coating.

Boeing P.S. 13208

Hardcoating of Aluminum Alloys

This Specification provides the requirements and procedures for producing a hard oxide coating on aluminum alloys.  This coating provides excellent abrasion resistance for sliding wear applications, corrosion resistance, and electrical insulation.  Corrosion resistance can be increased by sealing the coating, but abrasion resistance is decreased.

BS 3900: Part E14

Paints and Varnishes; Determination of Resistance to Abrasion {Part 1: Rotating Abrasive-Paper-Covered Wheel Method}

This part of ISO 7784 specifies a method for determining the resistance to abrasion of a dried film of paint, varnish or related product, using abrasive paper attached to wheels and abrading by making a rotary movement

BS 3900: Part E15

Paints and Varnishes; Determination of Resistance to Abrasion {Part 2: Rotating Abrasive Rubber Wheel Method}

This part of ISO 7784 specifies a method for determining the resistance to abrasion of a dried film of paint, varnish or related product, using abrasive rubber wheels and abrading by making a rotary movement

BS 8204-3

Screed, bases and in situ floorings.  Polymer modified cementitious leveling screeds and wearing screeds. Code of Practice


BS AU 178a

Specification for Road Vehicle Safety Glass

Specifies requirements for safety glass for installation as windscreens, other windows, or as partitions in motor vehicles and trailers.  

BS EN 13672

Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of resistance to abrasion of non-filled synthetic turf

This document describes a method for the determination of the wear resistance of a non-filled synthetic turf surface using an abrasive wheel under laboratory conditions.  It is applicable to non-filled synthetic turf with a pile height greater than 15mm.

BS EN 60903

Live Working-Gloves of Insulating Material

Mechanical testing requirements.

CFFA-1 &200

Standard Test Methods - Chemical Coated Fabrics and Film

To determine the abrasion resistance of chemical coated fabrics and films using a rotary platform double head tester.


Recommend Minimum Performance Standards for Vinyl Swimming Pool Liners-In-Ground

This document sets forth recommended minimum performance standards for vinyl and other polymeric films, plain and printed, which are used as in-ground swimming pool liners.

CID A-A-56032

Military Specification - Ink, Marking, Epoxy Base

This specification covers a catalyzed epoxy system of marking inks for metallic or other non-porous surfaces.

CID A-A-59776

Gear, Fire Protective

This commercial item description covers the requirements for a structural fireman's coverall to be used by Navy damage control fire fighters.

CNS K6591

Method of Test for Polyurethane Athletic Installation Material

This standard covers the test method for polyurethane (PU) of athletic installation use.


Standard Test Method for the Evaluation of Wear Resistance of Laminated Decorative surfaces using Abrading Wheels

This test measures the ability of a laminated  decorative surface to resist abrasive wear-through of the decorative layer, utilizing a Taber rotary platform, double-head abraser equipped with abrading wheels.

CTS No. 5538

Abrasion Resistance Taber Abraser

This procedure covers the determination of the resistance of coatings to abrasion using the Taber Abraser

DIN 52 347

Testing of Glass and Plastics; Abrasion Test; Method Using Abrasion Wheels and Measurements of Scattered Light

in German

DIN 53 109

Testing of Paper and Board; Determination of  Abrasion by the Abrasion Wheel Method

in German

DIN 53 754

Testing of Plastics; Determination of Resistance of Wear by Abrasive Wheels

in German

DIN 53 799

Decorative Laminated Sheets on Basis of  Aminoplastic Resins; Test Method

in German

DIN 68 861 T2

Furniture Surfaces: Behavior at Abrasion

in German


Determination of Resistance to Surface Wear

This Appendix specifies a method of measuring the ability of the surfaces of decorative laminated sheets to maintain their original design or colour under abrasive wear.

DPS 11.04

Hard Anodizing Aluminum

This process standard specifies procedures and requirements for hard anodizing aluminum alloys. It shall be used when specified on the Engineering drawing.

EN 13310

Kitchen Sinks - Functional Requirements and Test Methods

This standard specifies the functional requirements and test methods for domestic kitchen sinks, used in residential (domestic houses, guest houses and similar) premises. This standard does not specify aesthetic and dimensional requirements. It does not apply to industrial kitchen sinks. Note: All drawings are examples only; other forms are permissible.

EN 13329-Annex E

Laminate floor coverings - Elements with a surface layer based on amnioplastic thermosetting resins - Specifications, requirements and test methods

This annex specifies the method for measuring abrasion resistance and consequently determining the abrasion class of laminate floor covering elements.  The test described measures the ability of the surface layer to resist abrasive wear-through.

EN 13696

Wood flooring - Test methods to determine elasticity and resistance to wear and impact resistance

This document specifies two alternative test methods to determine the resistance to wear of lacquered wood floorings and one method to test the elasticity of the lacquer.

EN 14323

Wood-based panels-Melamine faced boards for interior uses-Test Methods

This test measures the ability of the decorative surface of melamine surfaces boards to resist abrasive wear-through by rotating a specimen in contact with cylindrical wheels covered with abrasive paper. The number of revolutions of the specimen required to cause a defined degrees of abrasion is used as measures of resistance to abrasion.

EN 14327

Leather - Physical and Mechanical Tests - Determination of Abrasion Resistance of Automotive Leather

This European Standard specifies a method of determining abrasion resistance of automotive leather

EN 14354-Annex D

Wood Based Panels - Wood Veneer Floor Covering

This method of test specifies  a procedure to determine the resistance to wear of lacquered wood veneer floor covering.

EN 14431

Vitreous and Porcelain Enamels- Characteristics of the enamel coatings applied to steel panels intended for architecture


EN 14688

Sanitary Appliances - Wash Basins - Functional Requirements and Test Methods

This European Standard specifies the functional requirements and test methods for wash basins for domestic purposes.

EN 14864

Vitreous and Porcelain Enamels - Enamel coatings applied to steel for writing surfaces- Specifications


EN 14904

Surfaces for Sports areas - Indoor surfaces for multi-sports use-Specification

This European Standard specifies requirements for surfaces for indoor facilities for multi-sports use. It also covers surface systems which include both their supporting and upper layers whether prefabricated, produced in situ or a combination of  the two. Not applicable to indoor tennis halls.

EN 438-2

Decorative High Pressure Laminates (HPL); Sheets  Based on Thermosetting Resins; Part 2: Determination of Properties

The test measures the ability of the decorative surface of the sheet under test to resist abrasive wear-through to the sub-layer.

EN 655

Resilient Floor Coverings-Tiles of agglomerated composition cork with polyvinyl chloride wear layer-Specification

This European standard specifies the characteristics of agglomerated cork with a wear layer based upon polyvinyl chloride and modification thereof.

EN 660-2

Resilient floor coverings - Determination of wear resistance - Part 2: Frick-Taber Test

This European Standard describes the Frick-Taber method for determining the wear resistance of the wear layer of polyvinyl chloride floor coverings under laboratory conditions.  The test method is applicable to floor coverings with smooth surfaces.  It can be used to determine the wear resistance of surfaces against abrasion and particularly for ranking different wear layer types within one type of product.

FDA Metallic Plasma Sprayed Coatings

Guidance for Industry on the Testing of Metallic Plasma Sprayed Coatings on Orthopedic Implants to Support Reconsideration of Postmarket Surveillance Requirements

This guidance document represents the agency's current thinking on the testing results that will enable FDA to reconsider the requirement for postmarket surveillance of plasma sprayed hip prostheses.

Fed. Specification TT-P-0091D

Interim Federal Specification - Paint, Rubber Base, Styrene-Butadiene Type, Interior, for concrete floors.

This specification covers a rubber-base paint for interior use on concrete floors.

Fed. Test Method Std. No. 191A Method 5306.1

Abrasion Resistance of Cloth: Rotary Platform, Double-Head (Taber) Method

This method is intended for determining the abrasion resistance of cloths in terms of percent change in breaking strength, or breaking strength after a given period of abrasion, or the number of abrasion cycles required to produce a specified state of destruction.  It is used to evaluate cloth durability.

Fed. Test Method Std. No. GG-P-455b

Plates and Foils, Photographic (Photosensitive Anodized Aluminum)

This specification covers the requirements for photosensitive anodized aluminum sheets and foils.  For purposes of this specification, foils as referred to in this specification is defined as material 0.010 inch and thinner

IKEA Spec. No. IOS-TM-0002

Surface Resistance-Test Methods

Description of a method that measures the ability of a coated surface to resist abrasive wear-through to the underlying substrate by assessing the resistance to liquid paraffin (fat) in the abraded area. The method is used on coated wood, foiled and laminated substrates in applications where high surface resistance is required.


Abrasion (Taber Method) Solder Mask and Conformal Coating

This method is designed to evaluate the resistance of solder mask or conformally surfaces to rubbing abrasion.

ISO 10074

Specifications for Hard Anodic Oxidation Coatings on Aluminum and its Alloys

This International Standard specifies requirements for hard anodic oxidation coatings on aluminum and its alloys, including test methods.

ISO 15082

Road Vehicles-Tests for rigid plastic safety glazing materials

Determination of whether the plastic, safety glazing material has a certain minimum resistance to abrasion at ambient temperature under dry or wet (car wash) conditions.

ISO 2046-Annex C

Effects of Surface Finish and Colour on Scratch Resistance

The test measures the ability of a decorative surface of the sheet under test to resist abrasive wear through to the sub-layer.

ISO 24338

Laminate Floor Coverings - Determination of Abrasion Resistance

This International Standard specifies the method for measuring abrasion of laminate floor covering elements.

ISO 3537

Road Vehicles - Safety Glazing Materials - Mechanical Tests

This International Standard specifies mechanical test methods relating to the safety requirements for all safety glazing materials in a road vehicle, whatever the type of glass or other material of which they are composed.

ISO 5470-1

Rubber or Plastics Coated Fabrics - Determination of Abrasion Resistance

This part of ISO 5470 describes a method of assessing the abrasive wear resistance of coated fabrics.

ISO 7784-1

Paints and Varnishes; Determination of Resistance to Abrasion

This part of ISO 7784 specifies a method for determining the resistance to abrasion of a dried film of paint, varnish or related product, using abrasive paper attached to wheels and abrading by making a rotary movement

ISO 7784-2

Paints and Varnishes; Determination of Resistance to Abrasion

This part of ISO 7784 specifies a method for determining the resistance to abrasion of a dried film of paint, varnish or related product, using abrasive rubber wheels and abrading by making a rotary movement

ISO 9352

Plastics; Determination of Resistance to Wear by Abrasive Wheels

This International Standard specifies a general method for determining the resistance to abrasive wear of plastics under the action of abrasive wheels.  It is equally applicable to moulded test specimens, components and finished products.

JC Penney - MTC-205

Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary -Platform, Double-Head Method)

To determine the abrasion resistance of textile fabrics using the rotary-platform double-head tester.

JC Penney - PPS# 303-03076

JCPenny Product Research & Technology Laboratories Product Performance Standard PPS# 303-0307 Luggage

Flat Abrasion, CS-17 wheels, 100g load, 5400 cycles

JIS A 1453

Method of Abrasion Test for Building Materials and Part of Building Construction (Abrasive-Paper Method)

This Japanese Industrial Standard applies to building materials and parts of building construction and specifies the testing method to evaluate the degree of abrasion of the test piece.

JIS H 8503

Methods of Wear Resistance for Metallic Coatings

This is a test to examine the wear resistance of metallic coatings.

JIS K 5600: Part 5, Section 8

Testing Methods for Paints {Part 5: Mechanical property of film -- Section 8: Abrasion resistance (Rotating abrasive paper covered wheel method)} 

This Standard is one of a series of standards dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, varnishes and related products. This Standard specifies a method for  determining the resistance to abrasion of a dried film of paint, varnish or related product, using abrasive rubber wheels and abrading by making a rotary movement.

JIS K 5600: Part 5, Section 9

Testing Methods for Paints {Part 5: Mechanical property of film -- Section 9: Abrasion resistance (Rotating abrasive rubber wheel method)} 

This Standard is one of a series of standards dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, varnishes and related products. This Standard specifies a method for  determining the resistance to abrasion of a dried film of paint, varnish or related product, using abrasive rubber wheels and abrading by making a rotary movement.

JIS K 6735

Plastic-polycarbonate sheet-type, size and characteristics


JIS K 6902

Testing Method for Laminated Thermosetting Decorative Sheets

This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the testing method for laminated thermosetting decorative sheets.

JIS K 7204

Testing Method for Abrasion Resistance of Plastics by Abrasive Wheels

This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the testing method for the abrasion resistance of plastics by abrading the test piece, particularly in, with an abrasive wheel.

JIS K6264

Rubber, Vulcanized or Thermoplastic - Determination of Abrasion Resistance - Part2: Testing Methods

This method specifies the testing methods for determination of abrasion resistance of rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic (hereafter referred to as "vulcanized rubber").

JIS L 1018

Test Methods for knitted fabrics


JIS L 1021

Textile Floor Covering - Part 11: Determination of Wear

This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the testing methods for determination of wool fiber integrity using an abrasion machine.

JIS L 1085

Test Methods for Non-Woven Interlining Fabrics


JIS L 1096

Testing for Woven Fabrics

This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the testing methods for the evaluation of general characteristics of woven fabric foundation cloth.  

JNB 30.04.09

Abrasion Resistance of Printed Graphics

This test procedure is used to determine the abrasion resistance of decorative finishes/graphics, used within the vehicle interior.  The test shall be used to give an indication of the comparative wear characteristics of painted, printed or hot embossed finishes, to plastic substrates.  The test is used to determine the desired wear characteristics are met.


Hard Anodizing

This method covers the requirements for anodization of aluminum and it alloys


Military Specification - Anodic Coatings for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

This specification covers the requirements for six types and two classes of electrolytically formed anodic coatings on aluminum and aluminum alloys for non-architectural applications.


Military Specification - Coatings, Visor, Polycarbonate, Flying Helmet

This specification covers the optical and durability requirements fro abrasion resisting coatings as applied polycarbonate visors conforming to MIL-V-43511.


Military Specification - Plates, Tags, and Bands for Identification of Equipment

This specification covers the materials and physical characteristics of plates, tags and bands (identification devices) used for identification of equipment.


Plates, Identification or Instruction, Metal Foil, Adhesive Backed - General Specification For

This specification covers adhesive-backed metal foil identification or instruction plates, herein referred to as identification plates, for use as internal and external equipment identification or instruction (see 6.1).


General Specification for Connectors, Plugs and Receptacles, Electrical Waterproof, Quick Disconnect, Heavy Duty Type

This specification covers multicontact heavy duty, quick disconnect, waterproof, electrical plug and receptacle connectors and associated accessories for electronic and electrical power and control circuits.


Detail Specification - Visors, Flying Helmet, Polycarbonate

This specification covers general and performance requirements for curved polycarbonate flyer's helmet visors worn by aircrew personnel.


Detail Specification - Visors, Flying Helmet, Polycarbonate

This specification covers general and performance requirements for curved polycarbonate flyer's helmet visors worn by aircrew personnel.


Military Specification - Packing, Performed, Carbon; and Carbon Stock, Packing

This specification covers carbon packing material (1700) for rotary rod and shaft.


Performance Specification - Deck Covering Materials, Interior, Cosmetic Polymer

This specification establishes the performance requirements for cosmetic deck covering materials to be applied either directly over primed or unprimed, clean steel and aluminum interior deck surfaces, or over deck covering underlay materials conforming to MIL-PRF-3135, that provide a wear resistant, low maintenance deck surface.


Military Specification - Coatings, Powder (Metric)

This specification covers powder coatings for interior steel, aluminum, copper-nickle and bronze equipment, furniture, and electrical box surfaces and on exterior steel, aluminum, copper-nickel, and bronze surfaces exposed to marine atmosphere, high humidity, seawater and weathering.


Military Specification - General Specification for Test Equipment for use with Electrical and  Electronic Equipment

This specification describes the general requirements for test equipment used in testing electrical and electronic equipment.


Performance Specification - Deck Tiles, Wear Resistant

This specification establishes the requirements for wear-resistant and fatigue reducing deck tile systems (including required adhesives and/or sealers) that are halogen free and require no floor finish used in Naval shipboard interior applications.


Performance Specification - Deck Coatings, High Durability

This specification establishes the requirements for high-durability, wear-resistant deck coatings for use in high-traffic areas, with minimal maintenance.


Department of Defense Standard Practice - Marking of Electronic Items

This standard covers the general requirements for marking of electronic items.


Military Specification - Tanks, Fabric, Collapsible: 10,000; 20,000; And 50,000 Gallon, Drinking Water

This specification covers tanks, fabric, collapsible: 10,000; 20,000; and 50,000 gallon for drinking water storage, complete with fittings and repair items.


Military Specification - Visors, Flyer's Helmet, Polycarbonate

The abrasion resistance coating test shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-C-83409


Laminate Flooring

This test measures the ability of the surface of laminate flooring to resist abrasive wear through the décor layer.


Manufacturing Standards and Specifications for Textbooks

If offset printed on coated cover material, a protective top coating for abrasion resistance is required.

National Aircraft Standard NAS 1192

Performance Specification for Hard Anodic Coatings on Aluminum Alloys

This specification defines the performance requirements for hard anodic coatings on aluminum and aluminum alloy parts


High Pressure Decorative Laminates

This test measures the ability of the surface of high-pressure decorative laminate to resist abrasive wear-through of the decorative layer.

NF G 37-121

Rubber or Plastic Coated Fabric-Determination of the Wear Resistance by Rubbing with two Abrasive Wheels

(in French)

NF T30-015

Abrasion Resistance Test on Paint

(in French)

NHDOT Section 711

Preformed Retroreflective Pavement Marking Tape

Tape shall consist of glass spheres of a high optical quality imbedded into a binder on a suitable backing that is pre-coated with a pressure-sensitive adhesive.  

NHTSA 49 CFR 571.205

Glazing Materials

This standard specifies requirements for glazing materials for use in motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment.


Standard Test Procedure for Determination of Haze, Luminous Transmittance, and Abrasion Properties of Primary Lens System Materials for Full Facepiece Respiratory Protective Devices (RPS)

The purpose of this test is to quantify the haze, luminous transmittance, and abrasion resistance properties of the primary lens material of a full facepiece RPD

Nokia DMXS1146-EN

Menu Paint Approval Testing Requirements

This document details the NMP best practice for the acceptance and verification of coatings and paint finishes applied to Nokia plastics for the Menu system.


High Pressure Decorative Laminates for Surfacing Food Service Equipment

This Standard applies to high pressure decorative laminates for use as work and nonwork surfaces of food service equipment on which direct food contact during normal preparation or holding operations is not intended, expected, or reasonable. Applications of high pressure decorative laminates covered by this Standard include wait stations, service counters, and other counters when used in conjunction with cutting boards or other means of preventing direct food contact with the laminate. High pressure decorative laminates used on equipment for which other NSF or ANSI/NSF Standards or Criteria exist shall also comply with the applicable requirements therein.


Class II (Laminar Flow) Biohazard Cabinetry

This Standard applies to Class II (laminar flow) biosafety cabinetry designed to minimize hazards inherent in work with agents assigned to biosafety levels 1, 2, 3, or 4 and defines the tests that shall be passed by such cabinetry to meet this Standard.


Food Equipment Materials

This Standard is applicable to the materials and finishes used in the manufacture of food equipment (e.g., broiler, beverage dispenser, cutting board, stock pot). 

SAE AS 38386 Duct Assembly, Gound, Conditioned Air, Insulated, Flexible This document covers insulated, flexible air duct assemblies for portable ground support air conditioners and heaters.  (Section 4.6.14 - Abrasion reistance test)

SAE AMS 2438

Chromium Coating: Thin, Hard, Dense Deposit

This specification covers the engineering requirements for the deposition of a thin, hard dense chromium coating on surfaces of ferrous and non ferrous alloys and the properties of the coating.


Hard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Processing and Performance Requirements

This specification establishes the engineering requirements for producing a hard anodic coating on aluminum and aluminum alloys and the properties of such coating.

SAE J 1530

Test Method for Determining Resistance to Fiber Loss, Resistance to Abrasion and Bearding of Automotive Carpet Materials

This test method covers determination of abrasion resistance, fiber loss and bearding resistance of automotive carpet materials.

SAE J 1847

Abrasion Resistance Testing - Vehicle Exterior Graphics and Pin Striping

This SAE Recommended practice applies to the abrasion resistance testing of decorative tapes, graphics, and pin striping.  It may also have relevance to certain vehicle labels and plastic wood grain film.  The resistance to abrasive damage is judged qualitatively by its effect on the legibility, pattern, and color of the graphic marking.

SAE J 2394

Seven-Conductor Cable for Abs Power

This SAE Standard establishes the minimum construction and performance requirements for seven-conductor 1/8-2/10-4/12 cable for use on trucks and trailers.

SAE J 3097 Standard for Safety Glazing Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment Operating on Land Highways - Safety Standard Specifications, test methods, and usage provisions for safety materials used for glazing of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment operating on land highways.  (See tests 12 and 13)

SAE J 315

Surface Vehicle Standard-Fiberboard Test Procedure

This SAE provides  test methods for determining the critical characteristics of basic or finished fiberboard products. Where applicable, methods of tests developed by SAE and ASTM have been referenced.

SAE J 365

Method of Testing Resistance to Scuffing of Trim Materials

This test can be used to determine the resistance to scuffing of test specimens such as fiberboards, fabrics, vinyl coated fabrics, leathers, and similar trim materials.

SAE J 80

Automotive Rubber Mats

This SAE recommended practice covers the requirements for rubber floor mats made from five types of rubber compound as required by the physical property requirements of the application.

SAE J 948 

Test Method for Determining Resistance to Abrasion of Automotive Bodycloth, Vinyl, and Leather, and the Snagging of Automotive Bodycloth

The Taber method of test is applicable for determining the resistance to snagging and abrasion of automotive fabrics and/or vinyl-coated fabrics.

SIS 92 35 09

Floor Materials - Determination of Abrasion Resistance

This standard describes a method for the determination of the abrasion resistance of organic flooring materials when exposed to walking traffic of a revolving nature (point abrasion).  The method is not however suited to asphalt, textile carpeting, or unlacquered wood.

Tappi T 476

Abrasion Loss of Paper and Paperboard (Taber-type method)

The objective of this method is to determine the resistance of surfaces of paper and paperboard to the action of abrasion, either wet or dry, by measuring abrasion loss.  This test is not applicable to the surfaces treated with wax or similar materials which would fill in the pores of the abrasive wheels.

UN EN 48-250

Paint and Varnishes-Resistance to Abrasion-Taber Method

This norm specifies a method for the determination of resistance to abrasion for paints, varnishes and products when using the Taber Abraser.

UNE 56842


(translated) This norm applies to the furniture of kitchen or kitchen furniture elements just as supply themselves for their final use, not being valid to evaluate the characteristics of the coverings (laminated plastics or other) of independent form.  

UNE 57095

Paper and cardboard - Determination of Resistance to Abrasion - Taber Method

(translated) This norm intends to describe to the method of measurement of the sensitivity of the faces of paper or cardboard to the action of standardized surfaces abrasives, as much in humid as in dry, using the Taber apparatus.

UNI 9115

Furniture - Test for surface finishes - Behaviour of surfaces to wear abrasion.

(translated) It establishes a method in order to estimate the surface of furniture and is used to maintain the design, color or aspect and subject them to abrasive action.  The method is adapted in order to compare various finish, or as a control test in order to assure that a determined level of furniture surface performance is maintained and applied to all.

United Nations - ECE Regulation 43

Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Safety Glazing Materials and their installation on Vehicles

This Regulation applies to safety glazing and glazing materials intended for installation as windscreens or other panes, or as partitioning, on power-driven vehicles and their trailers.


Test Method Recommendations Coated and Laminated Fabrics

This document provides recommendations for test methods to be used in evaluating and characterizing coated and laminated fabrics for use in military applications.


Detail Specification Cloth and Strip, Laminated or Coated, Vinyl, Reinforced, High Strength, Flexible

This specification covers three types, four classes, and two forms of laminated or coated cloth.


Performance Specification Cloth, Flame Resistant, Light weight, Reversible

This specification covers a flame resistant, light weight, reversible cloth.

WSP 020.4.R3(12)  

Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Nonwoven Materials (Rotary Platform, Double-Head Method)

This method covers the determination of the abrasion resistance of nonwoven fabrics using the rotary platform, double-head tester (RPHD).




国产在线高清理伦片a电影 国产精品伦子一区二区三区 色多网站在线观看 国产成人精品一区二区三区无码 啦啦啦www在线观看免费视频 男人的天堂MV在线视频免费观看 黄色毛片成人午夜性A级毛片免费 国产人成激情视频在线观看 香蕉依依精品视频在线播放 日本国产在线 国产精品尤物粉嫩泬流白浆 丰满少妇被猛烈进AV毛片 亚洲精品日韩久久无码 成年偏黄全免费网站 97久久久综合亚洲 亚洲Aⅴ无码一区二区二三区软件 国产精品裸体免费视频 亚洲偷精品国产丁香麻豆 青青草国产免费久久久91 久久无码中文字幕无码 一本色道无码道在线 欧美精品一区二区在线观看 国产精品高清尿小便嘘嘘 日本一在线中文字幕hey20dvd 91尤物在线一区二区三区 亚洲无码午夜福利 波多野吉衣高潮对白 最新免费观看碰碰视频 国产AV无码专区亚洲AV毛片搜 免费观看在线99国产精品 中文字幕无码精品久久久 亚洲中文字幕无码髙清 精品一区二区三区自拍图片区 国产精品白浆在线观看免费 亚洲AV无码日韩AV无码软件 欧洲一区二区三区写真 精品久久久久久无码人妻 色偷偷偷久久伊人大杳蕉 国产十八禁免费视频在线观看 中文字字幕在线不卡手机版 日韩一区二区午夜福利视频 国产人妖xxxx做受视频 亚洲色大成网址在线观看 男人的天堂av看片在线观看 最近中文字幕高清中文字幕电影二 91福利精品第一导航 亚洲一区精品伊人久久 人妻丰满熟妇AV无码区APP 精品成人毛片一区二区 看黄a大片日本真人视频直播 国产日韩欧美视频福利 99久久精品国产9999高清 国产精品色欲aV蜜臂在线观看 国产a一级**片午夜剧场14 秘黄无码视频免费网站 国内一区二区三区在线观看 国产福利小电影视福利在线 午夜影院国产 国产成人亚洲精品无码Av大片 国产色婷婷免费视频在线观看 第国产成人毛片亚洲精品不卡 又大又粗又硬进去就是爽视频 国产成人无码精品一区在线观看 成人免费视频无码视在线 日韩美无码五月天 男女无遮挡毛片免费观看 久久这里只有精品首页 免费二级毛片在线播放 欧美日本久久一线 久久不卡无码一区二区精品 欧美黑人精品在线播放 国产一级爽快片在线观看 亚洲日韩首页中文字幕在线 国产人成91精品免费观看 午夜免费福利不卡网址92 国产精品va一区二区三区 欧美成在线观看 国产精品久久久久久久久夜色 国产成人无码一区二区三区在线 国产三j片手机在线观看 大陆一级毛片免费视频观看i 欧美日韩国产一二三区激情在线 国产呦精品一区二区三区下载 A级毛片无码久久精品免费 久久久无码精品午夜 亚洲国产黄在线观看 国产精鲁鲁网在线视频 久久大胆视频 亚洲日本一区二区三区在线不卡 国产亚洲小视频 日本韩经典三级在线播放 扒开老师大腿猛进AAA片 成年av动漫网站全部免费高清 国产精品尤物粉嫩泬流白浆 欧美91精品久久久久网免费 特级婬片日本高清完整视频 青青草一区国产97 久久这里只精品国产免费9 欧美日韩一区二区三 免费国产成人片高清在线观看 亚洲黄页中文字幕一区二区三区 √天堂中文www官网 十八禁在线观看视频播放免费 亚洲国产精品va在线观看欧美 亚洲精品乱码久久久久久自慰 国产成人精品一区二区 高清一区二区人妖 国语自产少妇精品视频蜜桃 青青草视频黄在线观看 欧美极品在线播放 国产一区二区在线观看年轻 午夜精品久久久久久影视777 亚洲国产综合精品中文第一区 97久久精品人妻人人搡人人玩 自拍偷亚洲成在线观看 国内精品自在自线视频 91性爱在线观看 国产日产欧美动漫在线视频 亚洲无码午夜福利 亚洲欧美国产成人综合欲网 人妻少妇精品无码专区app 久久精品无码一区二区国产 久久99国产精品成人 欧美亚洲国产一区二区三区 国产99久久九九精品 人人看人人做人人爱精品 国产尤物亚洲AV无码精品色区 黄网站色视频免费观看无下载 综合欧美日韩国产色偷精品 欧美日本国产VA高清视频 波多野结衣中文字幕一区二区三区 精品久久久久久成人AV 欧美亚洲综合另类精品国产色拍图 2021久久国自产拍精品 天天综合天天做天天综合 特大巨黑吊性XXXX 国产午夜福利精品导航 国产在线观看无码视频一区 欧亚a级一级免费毛片 综合精品欧美日韩国产 国色天香社区手机免费观看 蜜臀av国片精品一区二区 日韩精品在线国产丝袜 中文字幕一本高清不卡 韩国精品无码一区二区三区不卡 全部免费特黄特色大片看片 亚洲欧洲一区二区三区久久 国产午夜精品美女福利网址 欧美国产亚洲卡通综合 毛片无码免费无码播放 国产自产精品一区二区三区 狠狠色婷婷色一区二区 青娱乐极品视觉盛宴国产视频 美利坚永久精品视须在线观看 国产在线观看无码视频一区 亚洲精品乱码线路中文字幕 午夜免费视频网站 亚洲不卡av不卡一区二区 18pao国产成视频永久免费 玖玖资源站稳定在线观看 久久99热这里只有精品8 亚洲精品国偷自产在线麻豆 91精品国产午夜福利在线观看 久久精品无码一区二区国产 日韩高清国内精品制服丝袜 国产不卡一级无码av片 国产免费的打野战视频试看 精品国产三级a在线观看不卡 99国产综合精品久久久久 又粗又爽又黄青青青国产 久久久精品中文字幕 国产精品无码免费永久在线观看 国产午夜性色福利在线视频 日韩av人人夜夜澡人人爽 国产成人无码专区 九九久久精品国产免费看小说 亚洲国产精品国自产拍AV麻豆 欧美一区二区性爽精品 国产啪精品视频网免费免费看 国产呦精品一区二区三区下载 久久久久无码精品国产91福利 精品伊人久久大线蕉色首页 神马影院我不卡在线 国产成人精品啪免费视频 美女视频黄频a免费高清不卡 榴莲视频在线观看卍 久久久久国产一级毛片清晰版 亚州中文字幕午夜福利电影 日韩精品人妻在线视频 国产亚洲欧洲国产综合一区麻豆 亚洲欧美日韩综合久久精品国产亚洲a 国内熟妇二区三区在线 亚洲综合国产视频 中文字幕不卡在线观看 在线观看AV黄片岛国片免费观看内射中出 2019av手机天堂 色五月婷婷五月天激情四射 国产999精品久久久久久一级毛片 在线看无码的免费网站 久久久精品无码一区二区二区 精品国产偷自产在线 无码国产精品无码天堂 扒开老师大腿猛进AAA片 黄色毛片成人午夜性A级毛片免费 91色综合综合热五月激情 欧美成人三级网站在线播放 国自产拍在线视频天天更新 永久免费的无码中文字幕 欧美搡BBBBB搡BBBBB 欧美搡BBBBB搡BBBBB 国产综合色产在线精品 亚洲AV成人无码精品电影自慰 欧美午夜色大片在线观看免费 91色综合综合热五月激情 青青草国产在线观看 夜夜躁很很躁日日躁麻豆 国内揄拍国内精品久久 国产H片在线免费观看视频 中文字幕第一页一区二区精品 日韩精品中文字幕无码专区 99精品国产99久久久久久51 糖心logo官方网站在线观看 91色综合综合热五月激情 国产一级午夜av免费播放 水蜜桃视频网站在线观看网址 亚洲AV无码一级毛片午夜 狠狠色噜噜狠狠狠狠av 无码人妻久久一区二区三区色 A无码网站一区二区三区 国内国产欧美日韩本高清视频一区二区三区 欧美国产日韩A在线观看 一区二区三区国产免费AV片在线观看麻豆 亚洲AV日韩AV高潮噴潮无码 国产不卡高清av一区观看 国产乱人伦偷精精品视频 亚洲精品园精品久久99热 四虎一区二区在线观看 国产午夜福利内射青草 美女扒开屁股让男人J桶进去视频 老师露出两个奶球让我吃奶头 韩国色三级伦不卡高清在线观看 99国产亚洲精品美女久久久久 久久99国产精品成人 久久久久国产亚洲日本 野花社区WWW视频日本 久久久久国产黄色网站 国精产品999永久中国有限 国语自产偷拍精品视频偷 亚洲午夜激情视频 啦啦啦www在线观看免费视频 亚洲g∨白嫩小受在线观看 野花社区在线观看免费观看 四虎国产精品永久免费网址 无码午夜人妻一区二区三区 亚洲日本欧美综合在线一 国产激情一区二区三区成人麻豆 国产在线高清理伦片a电影 国语自产精品视频在线第 亚洲中文久久精品无码 青青草一区二区 成全在线观看视频在线播放 无码人妻精品文字幕免费东京热 国产免费的打野战视频试看 日韩欧美久久一区二区 国产精品穿着丝袜打电话播放 亚洲精品成人片在线观看精品字幕 久久精品人妻中文系列 亚洲国产欧美日韩精品最新发布网 精品三级久久久久久久 精品国精品无码自拍自在线 深夜a级毛片催情精视频免费 免费直接看黄色网站 久久久久国产一级毛片清晰版 亚洲AV无码男人的天堂在线 91精品国产午夜福利在线观看 亚洲国产成人精品青青草原 亚洲一区二区在线观看网站 国产AV无码专区亚洲AV手机麻豆 日韩中文字幕在线视频 成人免费看一级特黄 亚洲一本二卡三卡四卡乱码 日韩国产精品一区二区三区 亚洲v欧美v日韩v国产v在线 91香蕉视频黄色 精品国产线拍大陆久久尤物 草福利视频网站 欧美真人一级a爱做片 国产国内精品在线观看 国产三级电影免费观看在线 欧美不卡一区二区三区免 男JI大巴进入女人的视频 免费真人三级片在线播放直播 亚洲欧美日本国产专区一区 久青草国产高清在线视频 国产一级自拍 亚洲精品日韩午夜无码专区 久久久综合激情视频 麻豆国产色网站在线观看 国产情在线视频在线观看 免费国产精品一区二区三区在线观看 久久精品无码一区二区三区四季 免费人成网上在线观看真人 久久免费精品国产72精品剧情 亚洲AⅤ无码无在线观看 国产高清色高清在线观看九 2022在线国产一区 日韩欧美国产中文字幕 少妇被粗大的猛烈进出69影院一 99久久婷婷国产综合精品hsex 国产三级精品三级在线专1 国产成人精品啪免费视频 青青青国产色视频在线观看 日中午夜AV电影在线观看 国产99久久九九精品 亚洲色无码专区一区 国产成人免费一区二区三区 精品少妇人妻AV免费久久洗澡 夜夜躁很很躁日日躁麻豆 最新中文无码肉感爆乳在线播放视频 成年大片无蔗当免费在线观看 狠狠色婷婷色一区二区 免费人欧美成又黄又爽的视频 小小影视日本动漫观看免费 欧美怡红院免费全部视频 亚洲A级片电影亚 亚洲国产欧美在线人成APP 亚洲一区二区福利在线观看 日韩精品久久无码专区 精品亚洲一区二区三区 女女百合av免费在线观看 狠狠色狠狠色综合网 久久免费精品国产72精品剧情 欧美VA亚洲VA在线观看日本 日韩二区三区免费视频 亚洲婷婷无码在线观看 国产精品国产三级国快看 人妻中文字幕AV无码专区 成人无码在线视频高清不卡 洲欧美综合日本韩精品久久 亚洲第一天堂aⅴ在线观看 亚洲国产第一网站 99精品一区二区三区无码吞精 中文字幕精品aⅴ内射夜夜夜 成年大片无蔗当免费在线观看 羞羞影院午夜男女爽爽免费 亚洲国产另类欧美 精品一级毛片儿在线看√ 亚洲+变态+欧美+另类+精品 免费观看在线99国产精品 97久久人人槡人妻人人玩 亚洲免费观看三级片 亚洲精品园精品久久99热 欧美一区二区三区在线观看不卡 99国产亚洲精品美女久久久久 久久精品国产亚洲AV麻豆~ 男人的天堂av看片在线观看 欧美在线日韩精品 国产欧美精品午夜在线播放 成人又黄又爽的免费观看 国产专区日韩精品欧美色 91精品福利在线免费观看 最新免费观看碰碰视频 亚洲视频另类二区 麻花豆剧天美星空 精品国产一区二区国产馆 亚洲人成网手机在线观看 国产免费一级高清淫曰本片 丰满的少妇被猛烈进入 精品无码国产一区二区三区51 中文字幕在线观看不卡视频 欧美一区二区三区在线观看不卡 亚洲少妇av网站在线观看 国产成人精品无缓存在线播放 91麻豆精品国产福利在线观看 一个人免费视频在线观看WWW 18禁止吃爆乳奶头网站 另类综合欧美中文字幕 91精品国产一区二区无码 特级婬片日本高清完整视频 深夜爽爽动态图无遮无挡 国产看色免费国产在线精彩视频 91成人免费无码成人影院日韩 综合精品欧美日韩国产 久久久精品无码一区二区二区 久久亚洲精品无码AⅤ网站 在线免费观看毛片片视频 亚洲乳大丰满中文字幕 538任你爽精品视频国产 午夜免费视频 2019中文字幕永久在线视频 东北妇女野外交性高清片 2022精品综合久久久久不卡网 一级高清在线观看影片 亚洲综合熟女久久久30p 国产高清在线看av片 美国一级无码精品在线 久久r这里只有精品 国产成人精品日本亚洲专区61 A级毛片在线视频免费观看 少妇高潮叫床在线播放 国产精品一区二区麻豆网站 久久午夜中文字幕无码三级 单身在线观看3级无码 免费视频成人在线 国产精品无码久久av嫩草 欧美精品99久久久久久人 成人亚洲精品 免费国产高清在线精品 激情内射日本一区二区三区 亚洲无码中文字幕加勒比 久久影院中文字幕 国产粉嫩00福利福利福利 免费国产人做人视频在线观看 日本欧美一区二区三区在线播放 麻豆果冻国产91在线极品 国产成人一区二区三区免费视频 丁香花在线观看免费高清版 一区二区伊人久久大杳蕉 免费簧网站永久在线播放国产电影 顶级大但人文艺术中的绘画作品 无码国产精品一区二区免费n 青春禁区视频在线观看 人人爽人人双人av人片 亚洲AV毛片一区二区久久 在线观看中文字幕 国产精品日韩专区 天下影视日本在线观看免费 草草视频在线播放 国产中文欧美日韩在线 99视频这里只有全部国产 自拍av淫乱地址 青青草无码精品伊人久久 国语自产少妇精品视频蜜桃 国产高清精品自在线看 国产精品亚洲欧美综合精品VA在线看 国产91在线视频观看 欧美一区日本一区韩国一区 国产在线一区二区三区四区 国产精品美女一区二区视频 国产成人午夜在线视频a站 国产v亚洲v天堂a无码hao123 全是白丝JK自慰污网站 精品国产精品国产偷麻豆 全部免费特黄特色大片看片 正播放国产情侣在线视频读书 女人18毛片A级毛片成 免费在线黄色电影 野花高清完整版免费观看视频大全 欧美搡BBBBB搡BBBBB 激情内射日本一区二区三区 免费影视大全 欧美亚洲日韩视频 日韩中文字幕人妻一区二区三 亚洲欧美日韩综合久久精品国产亚洲a 麻豆乱码一区二区三区 国产精品第102页在线播放 日韩精品中文字幕一区三区 香蕉视频在线观看网站 亚洲日本韩国精品一区二区三区 中文字幕一区二区人妻本田岬 亚洲动漫精品一区 亚洲日本香蕉观看观视频 免费视频成人在线 亚洲AV无码久久精品狠狠爱浪潮 久久欧洲十香蕉十亚洲十国产 一区二区视频在线观看免费的 日本最新免费的一区二区 老师露出两个奶球让我吃奶头 丝袜日韩精品中文字幕一区 午夜无码免费在线观看 国产专区日韩专区欧美专区 少妇无码太爽了不卡视频在线看 国产成人精品久久一区二区三区 暖暖免费视频在线观看 最近中文字幕无免费 99久久这里只精品国产免费 亚洲日产麻豆?V中文字幕无码 2024一本久道久久综合狂躁 极品少妇XXXXⅩ另类 精品国产乱码久久久久久蜜臀 亚洲日本精品国产第一区 中文字幕久热 欧美一区二区三区在线 在线观看AV黄片岛国片免费观看内射中出 精品一级毛片儿在线看√ 亚洲中文无码av永久不收费 日日天干夜夜人人添 亚洲一区二区三区高清av 国产精品电影在线 欧美精品一区二区在线观看 亚州中文字幕午夜福利电影 久久精品国产亚洲av水果派 一级黄片无码观看 女人下边被添全过视频 精品无码国产一区二区三区51 欧美日韩乱国产无遮挡 国产高清色高清在线观看九 亚洲中文字幕久久精品无码濆水 亚洲精品国偷自产在线99 亚洲色欲色欲www在线播放 91精品麻豆国产自产在线等 欧美人成在线观看网站高清 日本丰满一区二区 久久亚洲精品综合国产仙踪林 免费真人三级片在线播放直播 91精品国产午夜福利在线观看 国内精337P日本大胆欧美人视频 亚洲综合熟女久久久30p 国产精品午夜福利不卡120 日韩欧美在线视频观看 精品国产高清毛片 国产黄在线视频 日本最新免费的一区二区 天天夜碰日日摸日日澡性色AV 亚洲AV永久纯肉无码精品动漫 波多野结衣九色视频在线播放 国产精品自在线拍 人妻无码中文专区久久av 国产福利姬精品福利资源网址 欧美亚洲日韩动漫偷自拍页 国产成人无码电影在线观看 亚洲AV无码日韩AV无码一卡 精品国产自线午夜福利 亚洲国产日韩欧美一区蜜月 亚洲理论片一区二区三区 亚洲v欧美v日韩v国产v 99久久精品国产9999高清 24小时日本高清在线观看电影 色婷婷人成影院WWW 最近中文字幕mv免费高清在线视频 高清不卡一区二区 九九视频免费在线 亚洲精品卡一卡三卡四卡乱码 国产精品一区二区在线观看 国产精品白浆在线观看免费 岛国大片在线免费观看 无码中文字幕电影 欧美在线视频不卡 精品无码国产一区二区三区AV 2021久久国自产拍精品 亚洲成AV人在线视达达兔 精品少妇人妻AV免费久久洗澡 黄色网址免费在线观看 国产精品高清视亚洲中文 99久久综合国产二区精品 日韩国产有码在线观看视频 99热精品免费观看全部 日韩AⅤ无码AV一区二区三区 欧美日韩一区二区三 欧美激情在线精品video 欧美性猛交XXXX免费看蜜桃 国产普通话对白 欧美日韩乱国产无遮挡 精品剧情日韩欧美 久久r这里只有精品 国产精品一区久久av 一本一本久久A久久综合精品 中文字幕在线观看亚洲视频 国产20偷在线观看 国产精品欧美激情在线播放 欧美日韩动漫中文字幕 欧美福利影院 久久国产人乱人偷精品aaaa 二级毛片视频 日韩成人小电影无码 黄色毛片成人午夜性A级毛片免费 A级视频在线观看免费视频 亚洲A∨无码男人的天堂 无码中文人妻在线一区 最近更新中文字幕第6页色秀视频每日更新 自慰喷水免费观看www久久 国产激情在线五月天 最新国产精品精品视频 国产专区视频在线观看 免费日韩国产一区二区三区 91精品国产9l久久久久 性一交一无一伦一精一爆 A级视频在线观看免费视频 乱女乱妇熟女熟妇色综合网 精品国产肉伦伦在线观看 2022在线国产一区 97久久人人槡人妻人人玩 riav久久中文一区二区 国产成人免费A在线视频 久久国产精品99久久人人澡 人妻少妇乱子伦无码视频专区 亚洲精品国偷自产在线麻豆 国产午夜精品理论片小yo奈 果冻传媒国产电影免费看 国产色婷婷免费视频在线观看 日韩亚洲中文字幕 亚洲综合熟女久久久30p 久久这里只有精品国产 深夜a级毛片催情精视频免费 www.日本高清视频 国产情在线视频在线观看 亚洲VA在线vA天堂XXXX 麻豆成人久久精品二区三 国产精选91热在线观看 亚洲国产尤物在线观看 亚洲AV无码日韩AV无码软件 国内一区二区三区在线观看 一级有奶水毛片免费看 国产无码成人免费 精品人成在线观看国产 日本一区二区三区免费大片 国产色欲?V一区二区三区 伊人大杳蕉在线影院视频 小小影视日本动漫观看免费 精品久久久久久综合日本 无码AⅤ精品一区二区三区 亚洲AⅤ无码一区二区三区 国内精品视频一区二区三区 亚洲欧美日韩综合网站色aa 538任你爽精品视频国产 久久这里只有精品国产 国产福利姬精品福利资源网址 久久国产精品分享 色综合色综合久久综合频道88 国产精品午夜在线观看 国产成人精品cao在线 国产特黄特色大片免费 色婷婷精品国产一区二区三区 乱女乱妇熟女熟妇色综合网 A级毛片内射免费视频 欧美亚洲日韩国产综合网 国产成人热舞在线观看 久久人妻夜夜做天天爽 国产成人精品日本亚洲麻豆 国产日韩欧美综合一区 free性玩弄少妇hd 国产免费无码精品 亚洲人成精品久久 1204国产成人精品视频 国产一本通av在线正在播放 国产麻豆福利av在线播放 华人亚洲欧美精品国产 黄色污片在线观看 美利坚永久精品视须在线观看 久久99视频只有这里精品 夜夜狠狠操 午夜福利理论片高清在线 欧美一级特黄高级视频 看黄a大片日本真人视频直播 日本高清不卡不码视频 成人欧美精品一区二区不卡 亚洲欧美高清在线一区二区三区 国产午夜精品一区二区理论影院 欧美一区二区三区在线 91久久久无码国产精品免费 国产在线主播野战视频 男人的天堂v在线播放 亚洲视频国产资源在线 亚洲中文字幕av在天堂 国产高清精品一级毛片 国产黄色免费 久久精品一级三级 久久久久久国产精品 国产日韩AV不卡在线观看 亚洲国产精品国自产拍AV麻豆 国产乱子伦视频在线播放 91麻豆国产福利精品 亚洲综合国产成人丁香五月激情 一级欧美AA片免费观看 熟妇人妻无码XXX视频 欧美性猛少妇XXXXX免费 青青草里久久精品日韩国产 国产一级欧美精品大片免费看 av一区二区三区在线播放 无码人妻精品丰满熟妇区 中文字幕手机在线看片不卡 国产熟女??级毛片 深夜爽爽动态图无遮无挡 国产成人热舞在线观看 亚洲日韩欧美一区久久久久我 欧美成在线观看 老狼影院成年女人大片 国产免费午夜a无码v视频 亚洲一区精品伊人久久 2022无码最新国产在线观看 日韩一区二区三区免费 美国三级片亚洲社区在线观看 国产日韩欧美综合一区 欧美日韩国产综合在线小说 中文字幕在线免费观看视频 中文字幕不卡在线观看 诱人的教师在线完整版 国产精品久久亚洲一区二区 五月天婷婷国产在线观看美女 91麻豆国产精品 中文字幕精品aⅴ内射夜夜夜 欧美亚洲综合色播 亚洲国产欧美在线人成APP 亚洲大胆视频 中文字幕天堂资源网最新版 国产成人一区二区三区免费视频 爱剪辑精品国产福利在线观看 午夜一区二区在线观看 亚洲欧美一区二区综合精品 亚洲欧美自拍制服日韩一区 久久久高清日本道免费观看 成人欧美精品一区二区不卡 黄色网址免费在线观看 精品人妻中文无码AV在线 中文字幕亚洲精品资源网 国产成人精品一区二区尿失禁 亚洲人成欧美中文字幕 人妻少妇精品一区二区三区 惠民福利精品无码国产一区二区三区麻豆 青草热久精品视频在线观看 2021精品极品国产色在线首页 一本一道久久综合狠狠老 香蕉亚洲一级国产欧美 久久青草国产精品一区 国产一区二区精品高清在线观 精品成人福利在线观看 免费大片黄在线观看日本 一级a爱片在线观看视频免费 野花日本hd免费完整版高清版 私人影院播放器 日韩精品一级高清av 日韩精品免费观看大全网站视频 女人18毛片A级毛片成 99久久精品乱子伦国产成人一区二区三区 羞羞色男人的天堂伊人久久 中文字字幕在线不卡手机版 国产日韩欧美拔插一区 中文字幕有码无码在线观看 欧美欧美午夜?Ⅴ在线观看 国产精品亚洲欧美不卡在线看 青青草里久久精品日韩国产 丰满人妻久久一区二区三区69 2021久久伊人精品中文字幕有 久久国产自偷自偷免 日本欧美一区二区三区在线播放 日韩特黄特色大片免费视频 亚洲成亚洲成网tv 乱女乱妇熟女熟妇色综合网 国产成人无码一区二区三区在线 国产成人精品日本亚洲麻豆 久久人妻夜夜做天天爽 91免费高清视频 免费人欧美成又黄又爽的视频 亚洲AV无码男人的天堂在线 亚洲综合在线播放 91麻豆精品国产自产在线观看一区 日本欧美一区二区免费看 国产日韩AV不卡在线观看 国产啪精品视频网免费免费看 国产成人午夜精品一区二区 欧美日韩一本二本三本在线观看 99国产亚洲精品美女久久久久 五月婷之久久综合丝袜美腿 在线观看成年人1级黄色毛片 欧美又色又爽又刺激网站 国产精品无码AⅤ一区二区三区 五月婷之久久综合丝袜美腿 精品人妻少妇一区二区三区 九九婷婷欧美综合第一页 亚洲一区二区福利在线观看 亚洲精品а√乱码久久久久久 久久久高清日本道免费观看 欧美日韩视频二区三区 高清国产鸥美日韩手机dvd免费 少妇无码太爽了不卡视频在线看 亚洲AⅤ无码一区二区三区 国产精鲁鲁视频在线观看 日日天干夜夜人人添 免费的AV网站在线观看国产 国产精品成人自拍 欧美午夜精品福利在线观看 女同久久精品国产99精品 久久亚洲av午夜福利一区 亚洲色无码专区一区 丰满少妇被猛烈进AV毛片 日韩国产一级成人黄片AV专区在线 日韩亚无码一区二区三区 惠民福利欧美综合自拍亚洲综合网 最近中文字幕mv免费高清在线视频 国产乱了伦视频大全亚琴影院 手机在线看片 浪荡人妻共32部黑人大凶器电影 亚洲色欲色欲www在线播放 亚洲中文字幕久久精品无码濆水 图片区偷拍区小说区 国产清纯白嫩大学生正在播放 免费的AV网站在线观看国产 韩国2022最新理论片在线观看 人妻无码中文专区久久av 91精品国产自产在线观看 久久久久久AV无码免费肉站 sao虎视频在线精品永久 深夜爽爽动态图无遮无挡 91久久综合亚洲鲁鲁五月天 浪荡人妻共32部黑人大凶器电影 国产免费无码精品 欧美影院免费亚洲一区二区 黄色网址在线免费观看 高清一级毛片一本到免费观看 少妇人妻精品一区二区三区视频 国产日韩AV不卡在线观看 999热久久这里只有精品 欧美家庭影院 男人的天堂v在线播放 国产欧美日韩在线视综合网频 国产麻豆精品一区 91精品国产91久久久久久 欧美日韩国产综合在线小说 亚洲成aV人片在线观看m 欧美婷婷一区 一区二区三区国产免费AV片在线观看麻豆 国产三级电影免费观看在线 国产精品无码无卡有毛在线播放 国内精品视频一区二区三区 国产综合色产在线视频欧美 久久精品国产亚洲AV麻豆~ 亚洲中文久久精品无码 99久久综合国产二区精品 99精品国产在热久久国产乱 熟妇人妻无码XXX视频 午夜在线精品亚洲免费 国产在线观看免费 日韩中文字幕在线视频 久久九色综合九色99伊人 国产精品三级 亚洲精品乱码久久久久久按摩观 国产成人涩涩涩视频在线观看动漫 亚洲精品AⅤ无码精品不卡 好爽快点使劲深点好紧视频 国产精品毛片久久久久久无码 国产v亚洲v天堂a无码hao123 亚洲Aⅴ无码一区二区二三区软件 最新福利电影在线看 色伊人国产高清在线 五月丁香综合激情 97国语精品自产拍在线观看一 国产噜噜在线视频观看 中国人妻沙发上喷白将av 亚洲最大AⅤ无码国产 人妻少妇无码中文幕久久 国产日本欧美在线一区 欧美日韩在线第一二三四五区不卡 国产精品一区二区久久乐下载 欧美午夜精品福利在线观看 国产精品欧美激情在线播放 日本欧美一区二区三区在线播放 亚洲视频国产资源在线 男人狂躁进女人免费视频公交 精品国产亚洲AV麻豆狂野 精品人妻一区二区三区毛片 91成人精品亚洲高清在线观看 日本精品4080YY私人影院 亚洲欧美日韩综合久久精品国产亚洲a 国产成人精品无缓存在线播放 中文字幕精品一二三四五六七八 免费网页视频你懂的 欧美AA片在线视频免费播放 亚洲天堂在线播放 日韩国产精品福利在线 成年大片无蔗当免费在线观看 日韩精品中文字幕无码专区 亚洲成人爆乳一二三区 久久精品国产精品青草色艺 国产91精品一区二区麻豆网站 免费高清自慰区 日韩精品人妻系列无码AV东京 99久久就热视频精品草 九九热久久只有精品2 95精品国产综合久久亚洲 国产精品一区二区在线观看 久久精品无码一区二区国产 www.黄色免费网站国产成人 第国产成人毛片亚洲精品不卡 99久久精品国产麻豆 亚洲婷婷无码在线观看 久久亚洲av午夜福利一区 日韩欧美亚洲另类激情三区 亚洲欧美中文日韩二区一区 91精品专区国产在线观看高清 美国乱人伦中文视频在线 国产三级精品三级在线专1 日产精品一区二区 九九婷婷欧美综合第一页 亚洲国产成人99精品激情在线 久久不卡无码一区二区精品 黄片色吧毛片在线观看 婷婷国产精品无码一区二区三区 国产精品日韩综合无码专区 被男狂揉吃奶胸30分钟 国产精品一卡二卡三卡四卡 91精品国产91久久久久久 国产精品色字幕综合免费一区二区三区 国产超碰人人做人人爱ⅴA 亚洲v欧美v日韩v国产v 国产人成精品综合欧美成人 在线观看国产免费高清不卡 国产五月天在线观看 中国少妇×xxxx性裸交 日韩午夜一区二区三区 日本高清一区 国产av巨作情欲放纵无码 国产成人精品cao在线 亚洲成aⅴ人无码无卡 中文字幕在线观看不卡视频 亚洲午夜福利精品无码不卡 国产高清视频在线不卡 精品一区欧美乱伦 国产一在线精品一区在线观看 亚洲视频在线免费观看 一级毛片完整版免费播放一区 亚洲午夜激情视频 极品粉嫩嫩模大尺度无码视频 亚洲成AV人在线视达达兔 欧美午夜成午夜成年片在线观看 无码精品A∨在线观看无广告 亚洲中久无码永久在线观看同 亚洲?V无码一区二区三区国产 2021最新国产不卡a在线播放 2019av手机天堂 国产精品自产拍在线观看久浪 国产精品亚洲欧美不卡在线看 欧美变态口味重另类在线视频 麻豆国产96在线日韩麻豆 亚洲国产精品一区二区高清无码久久 一本一本久久a久久综合 99精品一区二区三区无码吞精 99re亚洲精品综合色 亚洲AV永久纯肉无码精品动漫 姝姝窝人体色WWW在线观看 亚洲一二区在线观看 私人影院播放器 国产尤物亚洲AV无码精品色区 成全高清视频免费观看 青青草视频黄在线观看 惠民福利欧美综合自拍亚洲综合网 亚洲天堂在线播放 久久精品男人的天堂 精品国内自产拍在线视频 一级a爱片在线观看视频免费 欧美日本一区二区三区 亚洲乳大丰满中文字幕 一区二区中文字幕 sao虎视频在线精品永久 国产福利小电影视福利在线 神马午夜电影 老司机AV午夜福利精品 欧美成在线观看 特级做A爰片毛片免费看 丰满人妻熟妇av 日本肉感爆乳一区二区本草久 国产精品大陆高清 青青草无码精品伊人久久 麻豆女生爆乳视频在线播放 欧洲无人区卡一卡二卡三 日韩电影免费在线观看网 美女午夜一区视频在线播放 粤语中字在线观看 少妇人妻精品一区二区三区99 99热国产这里只有精品无卡顿 一本一本久久a久久综合 亚洲国产精品国自产拍AV麻豆 久久大香香蕉国产免费网站 丁香花在线观看免费观看图片 青青草99热这里都是精品 精品国产三级a在线观看不卡 2022最新高潮在线 九九伊人青青无码中文字幕 黄网站色视频免费观看无下载 2021精品极品国产色在线首页 免费无码国产Ⅴ片在线观看 亚洲精品国产A久久久久久 青青草国产综合亚洲av 亚洲理论片一区二区三区 成人国产三级在线播放 欧美日韩精品乱国产麻豆 欧洲国产精品无码专区影院 青娱乐极品视觉盛宴国产视频 91精品福利一区二区三区免费视频 av一区二区三区在线播放 一级黄片无码观看 久久亚洲av午夜福利一区 波多野结衣办公室双飞 国产在线高清精品1314 亚洲欧美一区二区三区国产另类 色欲久久久天天天综合网 国产女同三级片精品网站 国产精品亚洲二区在线 无遮挡无遮挡91桃色在线观看一二三四区视频 二级毛片视频 中文字幕在线中文无码 韩国电影免费在线播放观看 国产福利网址在线观看 99re热亚洲无码中文 欧美人与性动交XXⅩXX 日韩精品欧美日韩高清在线观看一区二区 九九婷婷欧美综合第一页 亚洲欧美日韩在线观看播放 日本一道综合久久aⅴ免费国产成人久久精品流白浆 国99久9在线视频播放免费 亚洲AV无码男人的天堂在线 逊克县| 磴口县| 如东县| 垣曲县| 札达县| 平山县| 会理县| 彭泽县| 云霄县| 永和县| 重庆市| 历史| 江西省| 水富县| 隆化县| 郑州市| 疏附县| 敖汉旗| 东城区| 天峨县| 收藏| 措美县| 定西市| 磐安县| 垫江县| 海阳市| 兴安盟| 巫山县| 密山市| 普安县| 闽侯县| 沂水县| 宜都市| 临西县| 房山区| 万荣县| 车险| 札达县| 庆云县| 西和县| 襄城县|